To everyone who has ever read my articles - THANK YOU . To chefs and other writers from whom I've learn't so much - THANK YOU. To my friends who shared my writing, THANK YOU. Thank you....and you and you! This comes at a very important time for me and reminds me to keep going!
The link to the article -
Ever since I started practicing preventive and wellness medicine in 2010, I didn't have to encounter 3 am panic phone calls. My patients came to me with a fighting spirit to cut down on their daily medicines or wanting to do and feel better. They were already motivated and I only had to guide them. They took on challenges and gifted me with their progress.
And then Corona struck! While I was still dealing with LONG COVID (more on that later) from the first wave, the second wave hit and suddenly, I was back about 10 years to my post graduation days.....dealing with frantic calls, frustration, fear, but something very different this time - helplessness. I had no idea what I was taking on. Very soon I had about 15 (20 at one point) on home care - patients who didn't want to go anywhere else. 15 mins a call, 2 times a day 20 patients - you can do the math. It was painful to see the same souls who had fought off lifestyle diseases struggling to deal with the virus. All this while working on those who recovered from COVID and had to redo a lot of what they've done over the years. Thankfully, out the more than 100+ in the last 6 weeks, almost everyone made it, except 2.
And suddenly, there was no time for the little things that usually energises me. I couldn't bring myself to post/photograph/write about food. My food Insta page that usually has fun quizzes has been pretty empty for the past month. I haven't posted terrible one line (?jokes) on FB. Music simply didn't exist...found some joy in singing (OK, braying) occasionally.
I've never had a problem with time. You know entrepreneurs are those crazy ones who work 16 hours a day to avoid working 8 hours a day! But not having my team around to break the monotony, keeping the new start up alive and keeping my sanity - well, there were times I wanted to give up one to keep the others going.
Checked on my colleagues and the mental trauma has been real for many of them treating COVID. Sharing the trauma with them and realising that we were not alone, helped.
And then hope comes. I'm not sure if you've read about the rat, which when dropped in a bottle of water, almost gave up in 15 minutes, but once it was taken out of the water and put back, it lasted nearly 60 years! Hope is powerful.
The little things can add up. For me, the first thing that gave back a little bit of the energy was the daily count in India going below 3 lac. While we have a looooong way to go, remember we are talking about small victories....
And this article came out - at a time when I've not written about food in so long! Reminded me that it is important to keep going. It actually made write this long post instead of putting up the link!
Friends who have lost a loved one or my colleagues who are struggling to fight this invisible enemy.....find your hope and the little joys - as difficult as it may sound. We will need them!
I'm supremely thankful to friends and (even my patients) who sent me food - 2 weeks ago, when my family wasn't at home and I was home alone for week, seeing food without having to make myself something - I've not known this feeling.
Yeah, I'm the only GUY in this list. Someone already pointed it out and made fun of it